As humans in western society, we often lead from the decisions and plans we've made with our minds.
We carry forth with our plans and expectations, expecting we are going the right way.
Yet often, plans go awry, nothing seems to be working and we have to stop and re-evaluate.
In these moments I generally find it best to tune into my heart.
The organization, HeartMath has done tremendous research on the heart's intelligence and introduced the concept of Heart Coherence, "the state of cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, emotions and physical systems."
We now know the heart has its own intelligence, and its neurological system and electromagnetic field are actually much larger and more powerful than the brain's.
HeartMath reminds us, "More and more people sense the heart is connected to a higher-capacity guidance system for creativity, clearer decisions and choices and especially for deeper, more caring relationships with others."
So when it's not going right, you can reference the heart. Consider putting your hand on your heart and asking:
And then see what comes to you. Maybe you'll have a feeling, a knowing, or maybe nothing will happen and later you'll know what your next step is.
Someone once said the longest journey is the eighteen inch distance between the mind and the heart.
Sometimes we have to surrender, admit we don't know whats right and wait to see how the heart guides us.
Finding and establishing heart coherence allows us to move more easily into out decisions, our inner knowings, and a path that flows forward gracefully.
Learn more about the science of Heart Coherence in this video. But know, it's all within you, all it takes is pausing, waiting, listening, and allowing.
Taking the time to honor, lean in, and listen to your heart is the real key.
And as Rumi says, "The heart knows the way. Run in that direction."
You can listen to a channeling about this HERE.
You can access the meditation HERE.