Advanced Intuition and Spirit Guide Program

Master Your Personal Intuition System and Craft a Life Filled with Guidance

A program to get you fully in-tune with your intuition and confidently receiving moment by moment guidance from your Guides and all of life.


Have you been working with your intuition for a time and still don't feel confident in what you receive?

Are you aware of your Spirit Guides yet can't quite get messages from them?

Do you get Guidance yet not consistently?

Are you longing to have a methodology to connect with your Guides so you can get help on everyday choices and trust your decisions?

If this is true then this program is for you!

In this program you will learn how to: 

    ☑️ Trust Your Intuition Implicitly
          Acknowledge and develop your special ways of receiving.
    ☑️ Make a Reliable Relationship with Your Spirit Guides 
          Confidently work with your Guides, receiving ongoing guidance.   

     ☑️ Read Signs 
          Learn to know what signs from nature mean.

     ☑️ Create a Guided Life Moment by Moment
          Become confident in your everyday choices.

     ☑️  Do Daily Practices to Grow Your Relationship with Your Guides
          There will be an opportunity to have a fellow student as an accountability partner if you want.
Living Life with Guidance

Everyone has intuition and yet you must learn:
☀︎What key types of intuition you have.
☀︎How your body registers intuition somatically.

☀︎How to recognize your intuition in a moment by moment way.
Once you can tune into your intuition, you can begin to connect with your Spirit Guides.

🌀Spirit Guides are non-physical beings that exist in a different dimension than our physical reality.

🌀They are present to help us fulfill our spiritual contracts as well as help us live our day to day life.  

🌀We have Guides who are with us throughout our whole lives and Guides that come for specific projects with us.  

You have a team of Guides and in this program you will be working with two to three of them.

You will learn to connect with them:
☀︎Through methodical practices.

☀︎By intuitively and somatically tuning into them.
☀︎By creating an ongoing thoughtful relationship with them.

In this program I will take you through my step-by-step process to get you connected to your Guides and your inner Guidance.

For each person this will be different and yet you will feel inspired, enlivened, and confident to live your life from a place of divine connection and inner security.

Advanced Intuition and Spirit Guide Program

In this e-class, you will receive teaching videos, channelings, and meditations, as well as live Zoom group meetings to help you master receiving your intuition and being in touch with your Guides.

This class was originally given over a 4 month period and is now available for you to take at your convenience.

This program is for anyone who has been working with their intuition and has the desire to connect with their Guides and Higher Guidance. 
The only prerequisite is to have an open willingness to learn.

Within 1 week of your registration I will tune into your Guide team and send you a voice message identifying 2-3 of your team, letting you know their names, and what they are here to assist you with.

The Four Modules

Feel Confident in Your Signature Intuition

You will learn to:
✱ Understand and develop your personal way of receiving.

✱ Recognize and trust your intuitional hits and instincts.

✱ Get your signs.

✱ Let go of your doubt and self judgement.

Know and Be Connected with Your Guides

You will:
✱ Be introduced to your team of Guides.

✱ Learn how be in contact and ask for assistance.

✱ Learn to recognize the messages from them.

✱ Begin to recognize the energetic signature of each Guide.

Master Signs and Other Energies in the World

Learn to:
✱Notice and interpret signs in Nature.

✱ Cultivate asking for and receiving signs.

Be aware of other energies in the world.

✱ Feel confident you can work with lower vibrations such that you are safe and protected.

Create a Guided Life, Moment by Moment

Learn to:
Cultivate and trust your Guidance in all forms.

✱ Know your personal ways of being Guided.

✱ The key elements for feeling Guided.

✱ Navigating the world from a confident place of inner knowing.


I'm ready!
 On Sale for $299 in the month of May!

This Class is right for you if:

✱You know you are intuitive but you can't always tune into it.
✱You are aware you have Spirit Guides but you don't get messages from them regularly.
✱You are energy sensitive.
✱You are comfortable working in the non-physical world.
✱You want to create a feeling of being whole inside and out.
✱You long to feel connected to your guidance ongoingly.

This Class is not for you if:

✱You aren't aware of your intuition at all.
✱You don't believe in Spirit Guides.
✱You are unwilling to grow and change.
 ✱You don't want to get out of your comfort zone as you learn new ways of being.

"I am SO grateful for this class. It really has helped in so many ways...

the tips and tricks and support of the guides you channel, but also just the knowing that other practitioners deal with many of the same things.

This group was a great blessing to me during this period of incredible change.

I cannot thank you enough for the work you do in general, and your willingness to offer your skills and time for this class. "

JB Eilers,
Shamanic Healer, 
Portalnd, OR

 "Kristina is a rare find!  Her classes have been an amazing resource... She has offered great healing, clarity and insight...  She continues to work with my entire family and the results of our work together have led to amazing opportunities and connections.  If you are looking for someone to help ground your work while simultaneously expand to heights unknown, Kristina is a wonderful choice."

Virginia Starr,
Spiritual Healer, 
Cody, WY

" I just want to say I so enjoyed taking this class with you.

I love your presence, I love the simple and easy learning you gift.

Your videos are perfect, they are to the point and short. Thank you!

And, I love the guidance to gain confidence and courage and to listen and say 'yes' to what we are receiving."

Holly Wilmuth
Portland, OR


I'm ready!
On Sale for $299 in the month of May!

"If you want to know your Guides better, Kristina will show you how...

I went from not knowing any of them (or believing that I had any) to knowing many of them! 
Through our work together I was able to reconnect with my guidance; guidance I had shut down, 20 years earlier. Having a guide to your Guides, is invaluable.  "
Uva Most, Psychotherapist,
SLC, Utah

 "I just wanted to thank you again and give you an update.

Everything has been so much better since you cleansed and blessed our house. It feels like a weight has been lifted, like the dark cloud is gone.

Everyone feels better and is happier and it just feels like everything is going smoother and easier.

Chris Rausten
Horse Trainer,

"The class has been incredible.

Together you have brought such gifts to me personally and to me as a practitioner for others.  

Thanks for all the thought and love you’ve put forth on this course material."

Jill Runnion
Driggs, ID

"Kristina Rogers has always been good at what she does - a skilled, intuitive, compassionate healer who listens to you and to guidance and can create space for remarkable shifts and healing.

I did a session with her and can feel major shifts in my being already...she's getting clear guidance, and I highly recommend her."

Sky Roshay
DUP Dance Leader, 
 Snowflake, AZ

Why Learn From Me?

~I’ve been an acupuncturist for 40 years and helped thousands of people heal and grow.
~I’ve lead multiple courses and retreats for people to connect to their inner guidance.
~I have given hundreds of intuitive readings with people’s Spirit Guides. I hear my Guides 24/7.
~I’m grounded, down to earth and systematic in my teaching.
~I make this knowledge practical and easy to learn, taking it out of the woo woo realms.


I'm ready!
 On Sale for $299 in the month of May!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The class is four modules, with two specific teaching sections each. At the beginning of each section I will release videos for you to watch before our live class the following week. It is a very doable rhythm of one week with teaching materials and the next week with a live Zoom class.

Not on the sale price.

Advanced Intuition and Spirit Guide Program
I invite you to join me in this heartfelt journey of mastery.
My vision is for you to feel radiant and alive with your deep connection to your Spirit Guides!

"Kristina provides a loving and reliable rudder for all the questions, doubts, and insights held by her students in a way that inherently nurtures trust towards deepening one’s association with their own personal intuition and guidance. Thank you, Kristina! "
Leni Mostaghim,
Pilates Teacher, San Francisco, CA